
The Power of the Sun – A “Tightrope Walk” Between Too Much and Too Little

“I desperately need some sun!” As soon as the cloud cover breaks and the sky clears, we like to say goodbye to the outdoors. When the sun’s rays dance on our skin, our soul likes to dance along, and we respond with a smile when the rays tickle our face. The sun promotes our well-being and also boosts our immune system. But as is so often the case, sunbathing depends on the dosage.

D Like Vitamin D

Strictly speaking, vitamin D is not a vitamin, but the precursor of a messenger substance. An extremely versatile messenger substance, considering all the things vitamin D does. In children, it influences the growth of teeth and bones, while in adults it provides natural protection against osteoporosis. In addition, the vitamin has a significant influence on cell growth in our body, strengthens the immune system and can prevent diabetes and cancer. A whole lot, then, for a single messenger substance. But it needs one thing above all: sunlight!

Why Short Pants Are Better Than Long Pants

An increasing vitamin D deficiency is becoming noticeable in large parts of the Western world. The reason for this can be quickly identified: we are too buttoned up. In the truest sense of the word. For the skin to produce vitamin D, it needs sunlight. Three times a week for 10 to 15 minutes in the sun is considered sufficient. It is enough to expose the face, hands and forearms to the sun. If you show more skin, you offer the sun more surface area, which in turn has a positive effect on vitamin D production. So don’t hesitate to put on your shorts!

Sun Makes Happy!

When the sun caresses us, the brain produces the messenger substance serotonin. Often referred to as the happiness hormone, this neurotransmitter gives us the drive we need, boosts our mood and impulsiveness, and also has a positive effect on our sex drive. At the same time, sunlight reduces the release of the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for skin pigmentation and also makes our circulation sluggish.

Tips for Sunbathing Without Hesitation

The most sensible way of sunbathing is to accustom the skin to the sun in short intervals. Depending on the skin type and the strength of the radiation, sunbathing should initially last less than five or a maximum of 25 minutes. But be careful – going into the shade only provides limited protection! 50 to 90 percent of the UV radiation responsible for sunburn also reaches the shade. Since sunscreens with a high protection factor largely prevent vitamin D formation in the skin, clothing is still considered the best protection.

So get out in the sun and fill up on vitamin D!
